Nunca fuiste creado para vivir deprimido, derrotado, condenado. Fuiste creado para ser victoriosa. Jamás te averguences de que en ti llevas una cicatriz por todas esas pruebas que has atravesado en tu vida. Simplemente cada una de ellas significa que fuiste más fuerte que lo que intentó lastimarte... Y si, se permite gritar, se permite llorar, pero jamás rendirte.
Dios te bendiga 😘
Pooky Inspiration
You were never created to live depressed, defeated, condemned. You were created to be victorious. Never be ashamed that you carry a scar for all those tests that you have gone through in your life. Simply each one of them means that you were stronger than what tried to hurt you ... And yes, it allows itself to scream, it allows itself to cry, but never to surrender.
God bless you 😘
Pooky Inspiration
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