Hola ..
Alguien leal es alguien que no te da la espalda nunca y así es Dios con nosotros, ni con actitudes, ni en pensamientos nos falla. Y eso esperamos mucho de nosotros de los demás. Pero recordemos que la lealtad es andar con verdad y trasparencia. Y apoyar a la persona sin juzgarla y dejar que lleguen a su camino. Incluso si es diferente al que esperabamos para ellos. Recuerda que no hay mejor amigo tan leal como Dios, que te cuida, te ama, siempre está a tu lado, apesar de tantas cosas que hacemos. Siempre está presente para ti y jamás te a dejado sola. Quién mejor que Dios para que confíes en él en todo momento...
Dios te bendiga
Pooky Inspiration
Hello there ..
Someone loyal is someone who never turns his back on you and that is how God is with us, neither with attitudes, nor in thoughts he fails us. And that we expect a lot of ourselves from others. But let's remember that loyalty is walking with truth and transparency. And support the person without judging them and letting them get their way. Even if it is different than what we expected for them. Remember that there is no best friend as loyal as God, who takes care of you, loves you, he is always by your side, despite so many things we do. He is always present for you and has never left you alone. Who better than God for you to trust him at all times ...
God bless you
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